How to Photograph Flowers with Éva Németh

Today let’s learn how to photograph flowers with Éva Németh. I am so excited to have Éva contributing a guest post today! Éva is a photographer from Oxfordshire, UK, who uses quiet observation to capture flowers and gardens on camera. 

She photographs some of the most well known gardens in the UK as well as some of your favorite flower arranging books.

Éva’s work has been featured in House & Garden UK, AD, Gardens Illustrated, Country Living UK, and many more!

Read below for Éva’s top tips for photographing flowers for your next floral photoshoot.

  • Always photograph in natural light and away from direct sunlight

  • Always take photographs in natural light. That said, not all natural light is ideal for taking pictures. Too much sunshine can easily kill your flower photography by making the true colours of flowers appear too harsh and vivid, but there are many ways to tone it down. Try to block out the light by simply standing in a way that you cast a shadow on your flower.

  • Considered background
    Make sure your background complements your flowers and there’s no distraction. When we photograph something, we often concentrate so much on our subject that we forget to notice what other elements make up the overall composition. It’s only when we look at the photo that we realise that we should have moved the bin out of the way, or removed the bright yellow flower from the background because it’s not harmonising with the colour of the one we’re trying to capture.
  • Use shallow depth of field to capture the flowers
  • When taking your flower photos with a DSLR or mirrorless or a smartphone that allows you to choose your own f stop, make sure you choose an f stop that is somewhere between f1.8 and f2.8 Using large aperture (small f stop) allows you to make your flower stand out while the rest of the image is out of focus.

    Éva will be teaching you how to get the most out of your camera or phone to capture your designs in a way that reflects your brand and the clients you wish to attract to your work at our floral career retreat in October 2024: Creating a Circular Floral Design Business where we will be creating a floral photoshoot. Get more details on the workshop and event here.

    All photos by Éva Németh.

    Flower Workshops and Retreats 2024

    Join a flower workshop or floral retreat this year! See the full schedule below.

    July 27th: Lisbon Summer Workshop  (in person in Lisbon)

    August 17th, 24, 31:  The Floral Pricing Sessions (Live on Zoom with recordings available)

    October 27th-November 2nd: Creating a Circular Floral Design Business (in person in Lisbon, Portugal)

    Floral Foundations (online streaming)

    The Career Bundle (online streaming)

    See more of our online streaming floral design classes here and more about our floral retreats here.

    Virtual Flower Arranging Workshops

    Our new summer flower kits are here for our Virtual Flower Arranging Workshops for Corporate Teams and Private Groups

    Set up a live workshop (via Zoom or Google Meet) for a private event or for a team flower class for your work place. We send kits from our regenerative farms who use only the freshest organic flowers picked for the class and shipped to you!

    Did you know that a nationally grown flower has as low as 5% of the carbon footprint of an imported flower? (Source: The Guardian). We are so proud to support small farmers working with organic flowers and to bring these to our corporate and private group workshops!

    Choose your workshop and kit from 3 options! And fun news, our Jam Jar Flower Kit is now available in 3 sizes! Check out the virtual flower arranging workshops and get your date booked here.

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