Easter and Springtime Tabletops
April 1, 2021Taking a few moments to make an Easter or weekend lunch or dinner table pretty for yourself, housemates, or family, is a lovely way to sink into some joy! Tabletops have been an absolute favorite over the years for me to style. I have styled tables for Kinfolk, Williams Sonoma, Bon Appetit, Rosanne Inc., and so many more! I’ve also styled many personal tables whether it is a springtime lunch for one or for a big family gathering. Over the years, my style has become more casual, unfussy, and quite frankly undone. I mean, who is really going to have an urn on their table? Bringing in a sampling of nature to complement your meal brightens your meal and makes the table a happy place to be.
1. Keep things simple! Arranging a few cherry blossom branches that complement the green of your spring salads can brighten up a table.
2. Keep the food the focus.
3. Keep centerpieces tall and airy (like thin branches and blossoms in glass vases) or low and rambling, like a vine growing around your entrees!
4. Don’t overthink it! What is blooming on your balcony? What is the neighborhood florist offering this week? Keep your centerpieces seasonal and local!
5. Add plants and intersperse them with stems.
6. Make a low, lush centerpiece in a bowl. (Join us this Saturday to learn how!)
7. Mix and match. Keep a subtle color scheme and mix prints and patterns on your linens and plates.
8. Consider adding edible flowers into the mix: lilac water with dessert, nasturtiums on your salad, or violets or pansies on a cake!
Photo credits: All photos by Chelsea Fuss for various clients and all photos photographed by Chelsea except photo 1, 12, 14by Lisa Warninger, 2 by The Bounty Hunter and photo 3 by Aran Goyoaga.