Flower and Garden Retreat: Lisbon and Sintra

We had a morning each in Lisbon and Sintra with rest and or exploring time for guests in the afternoon. First we walked the Monserrate gardens with Fernanda Botelho who taught us about the edible species in the garden. For our time in Lisbon we visited Veronika Blyzniuchenko’s exhibit, “The Beauty is a Choice.” Afterwards, we had a walk with Tomás Tojo through Principe Real to learn the history of the species in this area of Lisbon. Next, we stopped by Nuno Prates botanical library and cabinet of curiosity followed by a visit to Nuno’s awe-inspiring private collection of tropical plants. It’s hard to put into words or photos the full depth of all of these experiences!

If you’d like to join us next year, we only have two spots open. Please see details and booking info here.

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