Floral Design: Where to Begin

Where do you start once you know you are interested in working with flowers? Maybe you are just interested in adding more floral joy to your home or maybe you are thinking about a career with flowers. Here are a few ways to get started working with flowers.

-Start learning ID. Peruse flower market catalogs, seed catalogs, and encyclopedias to understand the flower ID. Botanical drawings are the best way to ID a flower but it also helps to see photos and to have real life interaction with the varieties as well. In our Floral Foundations coursework, we have 6 page ID guides for 50 flowers to get you started.

-Peruse your local farmer’s market, flower shops, and landscape and start noticing what is available seasons to season. Begin getting familiar with the flowers, the shop owners, and farmers.

-Start making one flower arrangement a week so that you can get used to working with flowers as a medium.

-Read all the books you can! I will do a blog post soon about some of my favorites! My book is great for the novice flower lover as it starts with the basics!

Let me know any questions you might have about getting started with flowers by sending me a DM on Instagram or contacting me here.

You can check out more free floral resources and information right here:

Sourcing, edible flower, and floral career free packets

Tutorials and articles

Video tutorials

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