Flowers at Estrela

Veronika Blyzniuchenko's exhibit, "The Beauty is a Choice" lives within the cloister garden of Estrela's historical basilica monument. Chelsea joins Veronika this summer for a special flower workshop amongst the paintings and plants.

Make an artful summer arrangement with CHELSEA FUSS in the cloister garden of the Estrela Basilica Monument, at the art exhibition, "The Beauty is a Choice" by VERONIKA BLYZNIUCHENKO.

JULY 27TH at 1pm-3pm

Flowers, supplies, vases, and tea with cake included. Take your flowers and vase home to keep!


A exposição de Veronika Blyzniuchenko, "A Beleza é uma Escolha", decorre no jardim do claustro do histórico monumento da Basílica da Estrela. Este verão, a Chelsea junta-se a Veronika para um workshop de flores entre arte e natureza.

Faça um arranjo artístico de verão com a CHELSEA FUSS no jardim do claustro do monumento da Basílica da Estrela, na exposição de arte, "A Beleza é uma Escolha" de VERONIKA BLYZNIUCHENKO.

27 DE JULHO, das 13h às 15h

Flores, materiais, vasos e chá com bolo incluídos. No final, leve as suas flores e vaso consigo.

Learn flower arranging in person with Chelsea at this historic Lisbon monument amongst the paintings of renowned Ukrainian artist, VERONIKA BLYZNIUCHENKO.

You'll create a tall, loose and natural arrangement with locally grown and foraged flowers in a Portuguese ceramic vase. Tea and cake included. The workshop takes place inside this secret garden that Veronika is restoring and exhibiting her paintings in this summer. Chelsea is honored to be part of Veronika's summer exhibit program 

Get notified about future workshops! Add your email below to receive information on future flower workshop offerings. 

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