Dia da Espiga

Today is Dia da Espiga in Portugal. Of course I love a cultural tradition that revolves around foraging flowers! I wrote about this day in Field, Flower, Vase and made a project inspired by the bouquets foraged for home on this day.

One of my first friends in Lisbon, Rita Teles Garcia, taught me about Dia da Espiga and illustrated the concept for the book. We didn’t have space for them in the final edit, so I wanted to share them here.

If you live in the city, you will buy a “ramos” or wildflower bouquet from a flower seller on the street. If you live in the country, you will gather your own in the meadows. I explain further in my book, but each flower has a special meaning and it is important that they are all used together in the bouquet.

Yesterday, my friend Pedro told me his father used to pick him up from school every year on this day to gather bouquets for his mother and siblings. Traditionally the bouquets are put in the house to dry, as you see in the last photo.

Check out the #diadaespiga feed to see all the beautiful bouquets today
Illustrations by @ritatelesgarcia 

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